Telemedicine Hormone Imbalance Consultation
What is Hormone Imbalance?
Here are some of the signs of hormone imbalance:
Do you struggle with hormone imbalance? Do you have hot flashes, mental fog, or insomnia? These are just some of the signs of this specific condition. If you struggle with fatigue, headaches, irritability, depression, weight loss or gain, sluggish metabolism, low sex drive, panic attacks, or premenstrual syndrome, get in touch with Dr. Lori Mancuso today for a telemedicine hormone imbalance consultation.
Discover the steps of the process to bring your hormones back into balance:
- Assessment: We'll assess your endocrine system and discuss your case history. We will discuss things like adrenal fatigue, food intolerances, blood sugar, hormone balance, thyroid function, and digestive disorders.
- Testing: We will either conduct a saliva, blood, or stool test. You can do this in your home or go to a blood lab nearby to collect the data.
- Correction: After looking over the results, we will provide a customized program for you. We will recommend diet and exercise regimens, as well as things like herbs, homeopathic solutions, liposomal creams, nutraceuticals, or elimination diets. This step takes about two to four months.
- Results and wellness: Once you've reestablished the necessary energy and building blocks to help yourself heal, you can often expect hormone balance in the endocrine system.
Start your journey toward wellness today with our telemedicine hormonal imbalance consulting.
Consult with Dr. Lori Mancuso via phone from the comfort of your home!
What can I expect with my phone consults?
It all starts with a consultation. The first task is to fully understand your health goals and concerns. This is done through the use of questionnaires and a skillful health history. A one-on-one consultation over the phone or through Skype is required to more fully understand your unique story and set of circumstances that led up to your present condition. Based on the consultation, appropriate lab testing is often recommended to accurately identify the cause or causes of the malfunction. Some preliminary recommendations can sometimes be made while waiting for your lab results.
Once the results are in, a follow-up meeting is needed to discuss your specific treatment plan which may include the use of supplements, herbs, custom bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, nutraceuticals and homeopathics. It may also involve dietary, detoxification and/or lifestyle recommendations as well and sometime referrals to other healthcare providers. While the results of functional medicine are often profound and permanent, natural healing is a process not a quick-fix. Usually health problems take years to develop and some time is necessary for those problems to resolve. While proper function is being restored it is important to monitor the progress and modify the treatment plan as needed. Please note, while most patients experience dramatic improvement, as with any health care intervention, results cannot be guaranteed.